An end-to-end fisheries management strategy evaluation for future climate change in the California Current.
Future Seas is a project exploring potential impacts of climate change on the swordfish, albacore, and Pacific sardine fisheries in the California Current System. A suite of dynamical, statistical, and conceptual models is being applied to explore future scenarios in an “end-to-end” framework spanning physical changes to socio-economic consequences, and to evaluate uncertainty associated with individual elements of the modeling framework.

Research Team

- Michael Jacox
- Research Oceanographer

- Michael Alexander
- Meteorologist
- NOAA-Earth Systems Research Lab

- Steven Bograd
- Supervisory Research Oceanographer
- NOAA-SWFSC, UC Santa Cruz

- Stephanie Brodie
- Assistant Project Scientist
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Enrique Curchitser
- Associate Professor
- Rutgers

- Christopher Edwards
- Professor
- UC Santa Cruz

- Jerome Fiechter
- Assistant Professor
- UC Santa Cruz

- Elliott Hazen
- Research Ecologist

- Amber Himes-Cornell
- Fishery Officer
- FAO Fisheries and Aquatic Division

- Barbara Muhling
- Project Scientist
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Mercedes Pozo Buil
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- UC Santa Cruz

- Ryan Rykaczewski
- Associate Professor
- University of South Carolina

- James Smith
- Assistant Project Scientist
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Stephen Stohs
- Economist

- Jonathan Sweeney
- Postdoctoral Scholar
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Desiree Tommasi
- Project Scientist
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Heather Welch
- Research Associate
- UC Santa Cruz, NOAA-SWFSC

- Gerard DiNardo
- FRD Director

- Alan Haynie
- Economist

- Alistair Hobday
- Senior Principal Research Scientist
- CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere

- Anne Hollowed
- Senior Scientist
- NOAA-AFSC, University of Washington

- Kirstin Holsman
- Research Fishery Biologist

- Justin Hospital
- Economist

- Charles Stock
- Research Oceanographer